Topic: Ms. Barnhardt's Class
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 955 3763 3602

Students will:
- Create space and time for learning
- Break up the day to be their productive best
- Seek help when needed from teachers, peers, guidance, principals and parents
- Create balance by taking opportunities to work offline and upload tasks on time- 10 points off for each day late
- Sign into the classroom daily- keep connected
- Demonstrate learning with mastery of assignments
- Engage with the peers and use tools (like headphones) to focus on instructional videos, etc.
- Communicate with your teacher and examine feedback
- Demonstrate online learning etiquette
- Reach out to your teachers if you are overwhelmed
- Collaborate with peers using respectful language and behaviors .
- Wear attire acceptable for school zooms
- Support each other in this new way of learning
- Be patient with yourselves and your teachers- we are all learning together!